People Empowering Platform based on Skills, Passion & Personality

Empowering Skills, Passion & Personality

Personality test are NOT effective for hiring

For culture-centric organizations, it is imperative that a prospective candidate’s personality is in sync with existing team and job role.

Human personality is not a quantifiable metric. Given its flexibility based on circumstance, candidates can rig personality tests based on “ideal” traits that suit designation because:

1. They have already read the job description
2. The recruiter has further briefed them about the role

This is analogous to an “open” book test that fails in assessment of candidate’s REAL traits. Ideally, companies must know a candidate’s true personality, before the latter has read job descriptions. Some do this by engaging a third-party to pursue candidates from an aggregator platform, and request them to take a personality test, while disclosing little information about job role.

However, smaller hints can still influence candidates to rig the test subconsciously, in manner “idealistic” to the job role. This is why there is no substitute for a highly experienced recruiter, because they ask scenario based questions, which help them gauge the right personality fit for the job role. – No more resumes, no more job search.

Register your profile for free in 5 mins and jobs will find you

Fill and Get Free Token

Upon completing this form, you will receive the necessary details to redeem your complimentary tokens for recruiting the ideal candidates.

Please register or log in to your account and click on the “Search Candidate” button that will direct you to search tokens purchase

Follow these steps to activate 1-day free trial:

  1. Register or log in to your account
  2. Click on “Search Candidates” button on your profile page
  3. In the first field that says “Perform search as” choose “Me” in the drop down menu
  4. Click on “Buy more” or “Buy search tokens” button and you will be directed to payments page
  5. On top of payment page, enter FREE99 as the coupon code and click the “Apply” button
  6. Complete rest of the process that generates a 0 amount invoice and grants your free search token
  7. Go back to “Search Candidates” page and activate your free token by choosing “Me” in the “Perform search as” field. You can now search for candidates

Once activated, the token it will be valid for 24 hours or 10 individual designation searches – whichever is early.